As Austin Powers would ask, “What does it all mean, Basil?”
Here’s some perspective:
- 1991 Richard Tarnas publishes The Passion of the Western Mind
- 1993 South Africa adopts majority rule constitution
- 1994 Rwandan massacres
- 1996 2001: A Space Odyssey screens at Laemmle Playhouse 7
- 1998 Neil Gabler publishes Life: the Movie – How Entertainment Conquered Reality
- 1999 Stanley Kubrick dies
- 2001 9/11
- 2003 The Hubble telescope detects the oldest known planet, nicknamed Methuselah
- 2004 David Bowie plays GM Place in Vancouver
- 2008 John McCain picks Sarah Palin as his running mate
- 2009 FaithNoMore re-forms