Some Perspective

As Austin Powers would ask, “What does it all mean, Basil?”

Here’s some perspective:

  1. 1991 Richard Tarnas publishes The Passion of the Western Mind
  2. 1993 South Africa adopts majority rule constitution
  3. 1994 Rwandan massacres
  4. 1996 2001: A Space Odyssey screens at Laemmle Playhouse 7
  5. 1998 Neil Gabler publishes Life: the Movie – How Entertainment Conquered Reality
  6. 1999 Stanley Kubrick dies
  7. 2001 9/11
  8. 2003 The Hubble telescope detects the oldest known planet, nicknamed Methuselah
  9. 2004 David Bowie plays GM Place in Vancouver
  10. 2008 John McCain picks Sarah Palin as his running mate
  11. 2009 FaithNoMore re-forms

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